Shopping center in existing and new buildings in Grugliasco (Turin)

Location: Grugliasco (Turin), Italy

Client: private Company

Amount of work:  €  2.100.000

Main project features

Medium mall structure including a food supermarket and various shops and restaurant
Refurbishment and conversion of existing old building into new building
Upgrading energy efficiency and technological
Underground parking     

Positions held

Team leader and design coordinator
Supervision and management of works

Activities performed

Architectural and layout design. Interior design.
Architectural and technological design. Architectural details
Draft of new facades
Quotation of works. Construction administration

Detailed Tasks

Master plan
Preliminary project
Final project
Executive project
Supervision of works

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2001 - 2006
Grugliasco (Turin), Italy


Giancarlo Pavoni architetto - 10149 Torino Via Pianezza 13 - tel + fax 0039 011 5621501 - p. IVA 03909950010 -